About Us

Situated on a 79 acre farm in Eastern Winnebago County lies a picturesque plant nursery. Established in 1982, J. Carlson Growers, Inc. has developed the rolling terrain to raise some of the finest landscape plants in Northern Illinois.
Our dedicated, hardworking, Nursery Professionals do their best to help our Clients select the right plants for their location Whether you need something for a dry shady location or a hot sunny spot J. Carlson Growers has the right plant for you.
We pride ourselves on a large selection of impressive specimens that will add an immediate impact to your landscape. The many years it takes to raise our plants is reflected in the pride we show in harvesting them. The extra care we take in Balling and Burlaping results in a healthier successful transplant and faster recovery. Properly sized root balls secured with expertly tied sisal twine is our goal. Upon visiting our Nursery for the first time it is evident that this is a special place. Majestic Oaks underplanted with Redbuds and Canadian Ginger. Weeping Hemlocks that call attention to themselves. Japanese Maples that have been pruned into beautiful forms. Please visit soon and experience the J. Carlson Growers difference.